
About this Website

The website miklix.com was first created circa 2015 as a blog and a place to store and publish smaller one-page projects. It has undergone several revisions and re-design cycles since then, but the current version went live in January 2025.

The name of the website is a combination of my first name combined with the term "LIX", which is a standardized test for the readability of text, so it seemed appropriate for a blog. I make no claims about the actual readability of anything here, though ;-)

The website was started around 2015 as a blog and a place for me to store and publish my smaller one-page projects without the hassle and cost of setting up a separate website for each of them. It has undergone several revisions and redesigns - and it has even been offline for quite a while due to a massive hardware failure on the rented server it runs on at a very unfortunate time, where I simply did not have the time to get it up and running on a new server.

The current version went live in January 2025 after I decided to completely re-work the site before getting it up and running on a new server. It runs on a fairly standard LEMP stack and is proxied by Cloudflare.

I'm interested in a great variety of topics and as time allows, I like to explore and blog about all of them, so you shouldn't expect a common theme across the entire site ;-)

Mikkel Bang Christensen

About the Author

Mikkel Bang Christensen
Mikkel is the creator and owner of miklix.com. He has over 20 years experience as a professional computer programmer/software developer and is currently employed full-time for a large European IT corporation. When not blogging, he spends his spare time on a vast array of interests, hobbies, and activities, which may to some extent be reflected in the variety of topics covered on this website.