There is a number of RSS feeds available for people who prefer to follow updates to the website in this way. The feeds are implemented using RSS 2.0, which should be compatible with most readers.
If you are using a browser that supports RSS feed auto-discovery, you should be notified of relevant feeds for each page you view, but otherwise you can find the complete list below.
There is a feed for the front page, which includes all posts on the website, and there are separate feeds for each category and sub-category. If a a category has sub-categories, the feed for that category will also include posts for its sub-categories. You can use this to decide for yourself how specific you want your feed subscription to be.
The complete list of available feeds:
Front Page RSS FeedCalculators
Calculators / Hash Functions
Gaming / Dark Souls III
Gaming / Elden Ring
Health / Exercise
Health / Nutrition
Mazes / Maze Generators
Software Development
Software Development / Dynamics 365
Software Development / Dynamics AX
Software Development / PHP
Technical Guides
Technical Guides / GNU/Linux
Technical Guides / NGINX