Dark Souls III: Champion's Gravetender and Gravetender Greatwolf Boss Fight
Published: February 26, 2025 at 4:28:22 PM UTC
Champion's Gravetender and his sidekick the Gravetender Greatwolf are optional bosses that are part of the Ashes of Ariandel DLC for Dark Souls III. This video shows how to take them down, including some tips on a weapon that works really well for the purpose.
Champion's Gravetender and his sidekick the Gravetender Greatwolf are optional bosses in the sense that you don't have to kill them in order to finish the DLC by killing Sister Friede and proceeding to the next DLC, The Ringed City.
However, since boss fights are the most fun parts of the game, there is no reason to skip it. Also, I believe killing the boss gives access to some sort of PvP arena. I never play PvP, so I wouldn't really know, but if you're into that sort of thing, you probably want to make short work of this boss.
You will find the Champion's Gravetender in the icy bottom of the area, not very far from a bonfire.
You will have to jump down into what appears to be a large field of white-blue flowers with a large open structure in the middle. When you approach the structure, you will notice the Gravetender sitting in front of a large stone and a sword, with one of his pet wolves beside him.
I usually try to take out the wolf with a couple of arrows from range, which will also aggro the boss and make him come running to you. At this point, two more wolves will join the fight.
The wolves are regular, non-elite enemies and should be disposed of quickly as they can still do some damage and distract you from fighting the boss.
The Champion's Gravetender himself is a fairly regular-looking human with a shield and a dagger. He's not all that difficult to fight, the most annoying part being the shield that he uses to block a lot. I found that using a heavier weapon to break his poise was much more efficient than my usual Mercenary Twinblades, which is why you'll see me sporting the greatsword I took from Prince Lorian in a previous video.
When the Gravetender is around 50% health, his sidekick the Gravetender Greatwolf will join the battle and mark the start of phase two. At this point, you have a few seconds to dispatch the Gravetender, or you will be up against two bosses at the same time.
The Greatwolf is a much more formidable opponent. It is similar to the previous greatwolves you have encountered in the DLC, but it has a lot more health and is a lot more aggressive.
It seems to be weak to fire and I found Lorian's Greatsword to be amazingly effective at doggy-training the grumpy canine into submission, but I imagine other fiery weapons will work as well.
After this boss, there is only one boss left in the DLC, namely Sister Friede, whom you have probably already encountered as a non-hostile (although slightly rude) NPC in the small chapel.
I have killed Sister Friede as well, but I unfortunately didn't get it on video, because I have a very naughty cat who thought my controller was a chew toy just when I was about to start the fight, so I got distracted and didn't get recording started, which I didn't realize until after she was down.
Don't be afraid of the Big Bad Wolf. Just smack it with a very large sword ;-)