Elden Ring: Cemetery Shade (Tombsward Catacombs) Boss Fight
Published: March 3, 2025 at 9:07:23 PM UTC
Cemetery Shade is some sort of pitch black and very evil spirit that lurks inside the Tombsward Catacombs, just waiting for unwary Tarnished to come close. It has very high damage output if you get caught in one of its combos, but on the plus side it appears to be highly vulnerable to holy damage.
I apologize for the picture quality of this video – the recording settings had somehow gotten reset, and I didn't realize this until I was about to edit the video. I hope it's tolerable, nonetheless.
As you may know, bosses in Elden Ring are divided into three tiers. From lowest to highest: Field Bosses, Greater Enemy Bosses and finally Demigods and Legends.
Cemetery Shade is in the lowest tier, Field Bosses, and is the end boss of the short dungeon Tombsward Catacombs.
Cemetery Shade is some sort of pitch black and very evil spirit that lurks inside the catacombs, just waiting for unwary Tarnished to come close. It has very high damage output if you get caught in one of its combos, but on the plus side it appears to be highly vulnerable to holy damage, as the use of the Sacred Blade Ash of War on my spear made short work of it, hence this very short video.
Apart from the huge amounts of damage it dishes out, what makes this fight somewhat difficult is that the shade often disappears and reappears, teleporting around and breaking your lock-on. If you've watched my video on the Twin Princes in Dark Souls III, you know how I feel about teleportation, although this shade isn't nearly as annoying with it.