Elden Ring: Erdtree Burial Watchdog (Impaler's Catacombs) Boss Fight
Published: March 11, 2025 at 6:34:00 PM UTC
Erdtree Burial Watchdog is in the lowest tier, Field Bosses, and is the end boss of the small dungeon called Impaler's Catacombs found on the Weeping Peninsula. Like most lesser bosses in Elden Ring, this one is optional in the sense that you don't need to kill it to advance the story. Read more...
Elden Ring
According to Wikipedia, Elden Ring is a 2022 action role-playing game developed by FromSoftware. It was directed by Hidetaka Miyazaki with worldbuilding provided by American fantasy writer George R. R. Martin. It is by many considered a spiritual successor to and open-world evolution of the Dark Souls series.
I play the game on my new PlayStation 5 Pro, that replaced my good old PlayStation 4 Pro after I finished Dark Souls III.
All the videos are recorded during my first playthrough unless otherwise stated, so don't expect any pro-gamer god-mode kills here. Instead, I try to give an idea of how the game can be played by a fairly casual player who hasn't turned gaming into a lifestyle ;-)
Elden Ring: Guardian Golem (Highroad Cave) Boss Fight
Published: March 11, 2025 at 4:47:19 PM UTC
The Guardian Golem is in the lowest tier of bosses in Elden Ring, Field Bosses, and can be found in the dungeon called Highroad Cave in northern Limgrave. The cave is very dark, so it's a good idea to bring some sort of light source with you, such as a torch or lantern Read more...
Elden Ring: Margit the Fell Omen (Stormveil Castle) Boss Fight
Published: March 7, 2025 at 6:02:07 PM UTC
Margit the Fell Omen is in the middle tier of bosses in Elden Ring, Greater Enemy Bosses, and can be found on the bridge leading to Stormveil Castle. While he is not strictly mandatory, he is blocking the recommended progress path, so it's a good idea to take him out. Read more...
Elden Ring: Tree Sentinel (Western Limgrave) Boss Fight
Published: March 7, 2025 at 5:57:54 PM UTC
Tree Sentinel is in the lowest tier of bosses in Elden Ring, Field Bosses, and can be found patrolling in the starting area on the path leading up to the Church of Elleh. This boss is most likely the first enemy you will see after getting out of the tutorial area in the beginning of the game, as he can be seen patrolling in the distance. Read more...
Elden Ring: Stonedigger Troll (Limgrave Tunnels) Boss Fight
Published: March 7, 2025 at 5:53:48 PM UTC
Stonedigger Troll is in the lowest tier of bosses in Elden Ring, Field Bosses, and is the end boss of the small dungeon called Limgrave Tunnels in Western Limgrave. It's very similar to the large outdoor trolls you have encountered previously, just bigger, meaner and more troll. Read more...
Elden Ring: Mad Pumpkin Head (Waypoint Ruins) Boss Fight
Published: March 7, 2025 at 5:50:37 PM UTC
Mad Pumpkin Head is in the lowest tier of bosses in Elden Ring, Field Bosses, and can be found in the Waypoint Ruins in Limgrave, down some stairs and through a fog gate. He looks like a large humanoid with a huge pumpkin for a head and wields a crude looking flail. Defeating him gives you access to Sorceress Sellen. Read more...
Elden Ring: Scaly Misbegotten (Morne Tunnel) Boss Fight
Published: March 7, 2025 at 5:46:43 PM UTC
Scaly Misbegotten is in the lowest tier of bosses in Elden Ring, Field Bosses, and is the end boss of the small dungeon called Morne Tunnel on the Weeping Peninsula. It's a boss version of the regular misbegotten enemies you have encountered previously. Read more...
Elden Ring: Runebear (Earthbore Cave) Boss Fight
Published: March 7, 2025 at 5:43:37 PM UTC
Runebear is in the lowest tier of bosses in Elden Ring, Field Bosses, and is the end boss of the small dungeon called Earthbore Cave on the Weeping Peninsula. You have most likely encountered one or more of these in the forest on your way here, but this is the boss version. Read more...
Elden Ring: Night's Cavalry (Limgrave) Boss Fight
Published: March 7, 2025 at 5:39:22 PM UTC
Night's Cavalry is in the lowest tier of bosses in Elden Ring, Field Bosses, and can be found patrolling on the bridge near Stormveil Castle in Limgrave, but only at night. If you go there during the day, you will encounter a regular mounted enemy instead, so just go to a nearby Site of Grace and pass time until nightfall and the boss will appear. Read more...
Elden Ring: Night's Cavalry (Weeping Peninsula) Boss Fight
Published: March 4, 2025 at 9:11:12 PM UTC
The Night's Cavalry is in the lowest tier of bosses in Elden Ring, Field Bosses, and can be found patrolling the road near the Castle Morne Rampart Site of Grace and the Nomadic Merchant. He is a pitch-black mounted knight that only appears after dark. Read more...
Elden Ring: Flying Dragon Agheel (Lake Agheel/Dragon-Burnt Ruins) Boss Fight
Published: March 4, 2025 at 8:58:23 PM UTC
Flying Dragon Agheel is in the middle tier of bosses in Elden Ring, Greater Enemy Bosses, and can be found near the Dragon-Burnt Ruins in Western Limgrave, out in the Lake Agheel area. It is a large, fire-breathing dragon and quite a fun fight. I decided to go ranged and take him down like an archer with bow and arrow. Read more...
Elden Ring: Erdtree Avatar (Weeping Peninsula) Boss Fight
Published: March 4, 2025 at 8:44:14 PM UTC
Erdtree Avatar is in the lowest tier of bosses in Elden Ring, Field Bosses, and can be found near the Minor Erdtree on the Weeping Peninsula where the very large tree is pictured on the map. It actually came as a surprise to me that this is not a Greater Enemy Boss, because it sure felt like it while I fought it, but perhaps that's just me being silly again. I decided to go ranged and take him down like an archer with bow and arrow. Read more...
Elden Ring: Demi-Human Queen (Demi-Human Forest Ruins) Boss Fight
Published: March 4, 2025 at 8:31:28 PM UTC
Demi-Human Queen isn't actually a boss in the sense that it doesn't show up with a name and boss health bar as the others, but it sure feels like a boss, so I decided to include it anyway. I would guess that it's in the lowest tier, Field Bosses, if it was considered a real boss. I'll just call it a miniboss. Read more...
Elden Ring: Cemetery Shade (Tombsward Catacombs) Boss Fight
Published: March 3, 2025 at 9:07:23 PM UTC
Cemetery Shade is some sort of pitch black and very evil spirit that lurks inside the Tombsward Catacombs, just waiting for unwary Tarnished to come close. It has very high damage output if you get caught in one of its combos, but on the plus side it appears to be highly vulnerable to holy damage. Read more...
Elden Ring: Ancient Hero of Zamor (Weeping Evergaol) Boss Fight
Published: March 3, 2025 at 5:38:41 PM UTC
Ancient Hero of Zamor is in the lowest tier of bosses in Elden Ring, Field Bosses, and is found in the Weeping Evergaol on the Weeping Peninsula. You need to insert a Stonesword Key into the Imp Statue along the outer circle to make this evergaol accessible. Read more...
Elden Ring: Leonine Misbegotten (Castle Morne) Boss Fight
Published: March 1, 2025 at 12:39:04 PM UTC
Leonine Misbegotten is in the middle tier of bosses in Elden Ring, Greater Enemy Bosses, and is found in the semi-hidden area you get to after fighting your way through Castle Morne on the southernmost tip of the Weeping Peninsula. Read more...
Elden Ring: Bloodhound Knight Darriwil (Forlorn Hound Evergaol) Boss Fight
Published: March 1, 2025 at 12:35:49 PM UTC
Bloodhound Knight Darriwil is in the lowest tier of bosses in Elden Ring, Field Bosses, and is the only enemy found within the Forlorn Hound Evergaol. If you've talked to Blaidd before entering the evergaol, you can summon Blaidd to help you fight him, which will make the fight completely trivial. Read more...
Elden Ring: Tibia Mariner (Summonwater Village) Boss Fight
Published: March 1, 2025 at 12:30:39 PM UTC
Tibia Mariner in Summonwater Village is in the lowest tier of bosses in Elden Ring, Field Bosses, and is found outdoors in the flooded Summonwater Village. This boss looks like a light purple or pinkish glowing ghostly skeleton, who at first sight appears to be sailing peacefully around in a small boat in the flooded streets of a village. Read more...
Elden Ring: Erdtree Burial Watchdog (Stormfoot Catacombs) Boss Fight
Published: March 1, 2025 at 12:25:26 PM UTC
The Erdtree Burial Watchdog in Stormfoot Catacombs is in the lowest tier of bosses in Elden Ring, Field Bosses, and is the end boss of the small Stormfoot Catacombs dungeon. It's a bit strange that it's called a watchdog, when it's clearly a cat ;-) Read more...
Elden Ring: Patches (Murkwater Cave) Boss Fight
Published: March 1, 2025 at 12:22:02 PM UTC
Patches in Murkwater Cave is in the lowest tier of bosses in Elden Ring, Field Bosses, and is the end boss of the small Murkwater Cave dungeon. He's a traitor and always trying to kill you when you look the other way, so I recommend killing him when you get the chance. Read more...
Elden Ring: Demi-Human Chiefs (Coastal Cave) Boss Fight
Published: March 1, 2025 at 12:16:15 PM UTC
The Demi-Human Chiefs in Coastal Cave are in the lowest tier of bosses in Elden Ring, Field Bosses, and are the end bosses of the small Coastal Cave dungeon. As most of the lesser bosses in Elden Ring, they are optional bosses, but you will encounter them very early in the game and they can be useful for some practice in boss fights. Read more...
Elden Ring: Beastman of Farum Azula (Groveside Cave) Boss Fight
Published: March 1, 2025 at 12:12:18 PM UTC
The Beastman of Farum Azula in Groveside Cave is in the lowest tier of bosses in Elden Ring, Field Bosses, and is the end boss of the small Groveside Cave dungeon. As most of the lesser bosses in Elden Ring, he is an optional boss, but you will encounter him very early in the game and he can be useful for some practice in boss fights. Read more...