
Elden Ring: Erdtree Burial Watchdog (Impaler's Catacombs) Boss Fight

Published: March 11, 2025 at 6:34:00 PM UTC

Erdtree Burial Watchdog is in the lowest tier, Field Bosses, and is the end boss of the small dungeon called Impaler's Catacombs found on the Weeping Peninsula. Like most lesser bosses in Elden Ring, this one is optional in the sense that you don't need to kill it to advance the story.

As you may know, bosses in Elden Ring are divided into three tiers. From lowest to highest: Field Bosses, Greater Enemy Bosses and finally Demigods and Legends.

Erdtree Burial Watchdog is in the lowest tier, Field Bosses, and is the end boss of the small dungeon called Impaler's Catacombs found on the Weeping Peninsula. Like most lesser bosses in Elden Ring, this one is optional in the sense that you don't need to kill it to advance the story.

You have most likely encountered one of these Erdtree Burial Watchdogs before and I'm not going to get into the whole weirdness of it being called a dog when it's quite clearly a cat, I feel like I covered that in a previous video.

Like the previous one, this is a very grumpy and bad kitty that has several tricks to try to ruin your day. But the worst part is that it's not alone, it has no less than four of those annoying imp creatures as backup.

If you've watched any of my other videos and witnessed my glorious lack of ability to multi-task when faced with multiple enemies in close quarters, you know what that means. Headless chicken time ;-)

I found that the by far most difficult part of this fight was to focus one imp down without getting ganked by the other imps or the boss itself. Even one imp can do a lot of damage with its fast slashing combo, but having three of them on your case while you're trying to give the fourth a well-deserved punishment for standing between you and the sweet victory is really quite painful. And of course the boss itself is not one to miss out on the fun, so it will happily try to pounce on you or engulf you in flames while the imps are stunlocking you. That's the worst kind of multitasking, really ;-)

Once you do manage to get the imps down, the boss is not very difficult. When it lifts itself up in the air – in a very not cat-like manner, I might add – make sure to gain some distance as it's about to come crushing down. Other than that, try to stay behind it and you will be safe from most of its attacks.

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Mikkel Bang Christensen

About the Author

Mikkel Bang Christensen
Mikkel is the creator and owner of miklix.com. He has over 20 years experience as a professional computer programmer/software developer and is currently employed full-time for a large European IT corporation. When not blogging, he spends his spare time on a vast array of interests, hobbies, and activities, which may to some extent be reflected in the variety of topics covered on this website.