Elden Ring: Night's Cavalry (Weeping Peninsula) Boss Fight
Published: March 4, 2025 at 9:11:12 PM UTC
The Night's Cavalry is in the lowest tier of bosses in Elden Ring, Field Bosses, and can be found patrolling the road near the Castle Morne Rampart Site of Grace and the Nomadic Merchant. He is a pitch-black mounted knight that only appears after dark.
I apologize for the picture quality of this video – the recording settings had somehow gotten reset, and I didn't realize this until I was about to edit the video. I hope it's tolerable, nonetheless.
As you may know, bosses in Elden Ring are divided into three tiers. From lowest to highest: Field Bosses, Greater Enemy Bosses and finally Demigods and Legends.
The Night's Cavalry is in the lowest tier, Field Bosses, and can be found patrolling the road near the Castle Morne Rampart Site of Grace and the Nomadic Merchant.
He looks like a large, menacing knight, dressed all in black and riding a pitch-black horse as well. If you can't find him, it may just be the wrong time of day – as his name implies, he only appears at night. So just sit down at the nearby Site of Grace and pass time until nightfall and he should show up.
I decided to give mounted combat a go against this guy, since he's highly mobile and fast moving. I don't know what it is about mounted combat, I just can't seem to get the hang of it. When locked on to an enemy, my character only seems to want to attack downwards with the spear, even if the enemy is mounted and much taller than me, so I tend to kill horses faster than their riders, which is not the intention.
In Elden Ring as well as the previous Souls games I've played, I've always considered the control over my character amazingly tight and some of the best I've tried in any game, but that is just not the feeling I get when trying to fight on horseback. It feels like I'm constantly racing by my target, punching holes in the air, and not having great control over what is happening.
It's probably just me who's no good at it, but the fact of the matter is that I'm just not enjoying it very much, so I frequently end up trying to kill mounted enemies with me being on foot instead. Sometimes it's easier than others.
Regarding the Night's Cavalry, he's definitely not the hardest mounted knight I've encountered. You need to watch out for the big swings and combos he does with his flail, as well as his horse who really likes kicking people in the face, but other than that's he's not hugely difficult. If I had hit him half the time I tried to while on Torrent's back, he would have died much faster and this would have been a much shorter video, so actually controlling my own horse felt like the most difficult part of this. Oh well, I had to try it.
If you manage to kill his horse before you kill him, he will fight you on foot for a little while, but if you get too far away from him, he will summon a new horse, so it's probably better to just try to focus him down. If I could only get the stupid spear up to his face level.
Remember to be wary of things that whinny in the night, it may be a horse about to kick you in the face ;-)